Black Friday and Cyber Monday marketing mayhem is just around the corner.
Like it or loathe it, the American tradition has sailed across the pond and is here to stay. If you've got products or services, this is a great time to offer promotions and discounts to grow sales. But what's the smartest way of creating campaigns that will support lead generation and deliver the ROI you want? You can start by obtaining the type of smart contact data that will get your message in front of engaged potential prospects.
Smart end user data intelligence is the key to driving successful marketing campaigns. Having such IT contact data at your disposal makes targeting simple and effective, meaning your campaigns get the very best start and the very best results.
Great data can accelerate your sales proposition by ensuring your message reaches the right people, at the right companies, in the right job at the right time. If you are looking to supercharge your marketing, make sure your data is intelligent enough to cast the right spell on your intended audience.
The right data combined with the right plan of action will accelerate focused marketing, lead generation and sales strategies. When you unite accurate contact data with vendor installation data the result is valuable insight which develops into lead opportunities and lead liaison. The trick here is to ensure you are using your data in the most effective way, segmenting it according to campaign strategies and cross referencing by marketing intelligence such as technical installation information and network component.
Add the multi-touch marketing factors of, for example, email marketing, digital marketing, direct mail and telemarketing and you have a heady mix of the right activities and the right data that delivers top quality lead generation.
How do you become a black belt in Black Friday marketing?
As we approach one of the key sales periods of the year, have you got the right data to ensure your forthcoming campaign doesn’t fall on deaf ears? Give yourself the best chance of success and improve your marketing to black belt standards with smart data.
Having access to great data enables you to target with confidence. Such targeting works particularly well if you use personas to identify and clarify your market then create lists based on this accurate contact data. Learn more about targeting via buyer personas here.
Intelligent data is the foundation of every marketing strategy, allowing you to use unsurpassed contact data, technical infrastructure details & current supplier information to generate and process qualified leads through to sales conversions.
Of course, there are various hoops to jump through in the usage of contact data. You must ensure you have clean data and are acting in a manner compliant with the CTPS and all UK data protection legislation including GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and ePrivacy. Always check your data against the CTPS and ensure that all activity is within the boundaries of relevant data protection legislation.
It also helps to utilise the any tools that are available to certain that your data is working as hard for you as it can. Some tools can aid you in understanding or analysing your profitable customers, prospects, or target market sweet spot and to use this knowledge to target other, similar, organisations. There are also tools available which can turn dirty data into clean data as well as adding infrastructure intelligence to create intelligence rich leads for marketing
Simply put, smart data is invaluable as it makes targeting straightforward and effective. Think big, think smart data, and choose the right data partner for great campaign results.
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